-------------------------------------------- MPEG Scissors v1.2 -------------------------------------------- This Program was created for easy editing MPEG Files. It make easy to CUT and JOIN multiple files. If You select [StartFrame] and [EndFrame] for every Job (file), when process is done, you obtain a single file with all selections included. Ex. : [Header][Start..Stop][Start..Stop]... -------------------------------------------- New in v1.1: Allow to open only the same type of files (same FrameRate, Picture Width and Picture Height). -------------------------------------------- New in v1.2: Added Preview for ALL selected scenes from all files in Job List. (Preview of resulted file). -------------------------------------------- TFM MPEG Scissors v1.2 ©1999 by TFM Group 1999, November, 01 www : http://www.tfm.profm.ro e-mail : tfm@profm.ro Lead Programmer : Mihai MOLDOVANU mihaim@profm.ro Program Design & GFX : Daniel BEDELEANU bede@profm.ro --------------------------------------------